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Are you feeling challenged by misaligned values, minimal intimacy, misunderstandings, a mediocre connection or misguidance of your relationship direction?


Discover the power of your Relationship North Star  to overcome your struggles, align your desires and live a truly

intimate and enriched

love life.

Can You Relate To.....


Longing for the closeness that you once had


Feeling like you’re growing apart instead of together


Feeling disconnected, unloved or unappreciated by your partner


Struggling to get on the same page with your values, needs and wants


Bored of and uninspired by the direction (or lack thereof) of your relationship


Feeling like there is more to your love and life together yet unsure how to create it

That Sure Can Weigh You Down....

Imagine If.....


You truly supported and valued each other


You transformed your connection and intimacy


You enjoy an abundant and expansive life together


You felt a deep sense of trust and reliability in your relationship


You live a life of purpose and fulfilment through a shared mission


You created your dream life through collaboration and unity

This Can Be Your Experience


And So Much               

Intentionally Creating & Living By Your Relationship North Star
Is The ULTIMATE Way To Achieve
An ALIGNED, Thriving & EMPOWERED Partnership.

Couples Coaching Program

A Powerful & Proven Program to shift you from Struggle & Stagnation to

Freedom & Fulfillment in your Partnership!


Explore The Depths of yourself & each other,  create your Relationship North Star

& live the Love Life Of Your Dreams in ONLY 8 Weeks through

The Aligned Love Private Couples Coaching Program.

Take A Peek Into The

Coaching Framework

Pillar One

Individual & Relationship Values

Explore your personal and relationship drivers and motivations, get on the same page and start enjoying your shared interests.

Pillar Two

The Space Between & Responsibility

Pillar Three

Learn how to create a healthy dynamic between you; taking responsibility, fostering trust, reducing negativity, and enhancing mutual respect and understanding.

Old & New Beliefs

Discover outdated patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving you, and create new beliefs and actions to assist you in deepening your connection and building a more expansive life.

Pillar Four

Self & Co-Regulation

Pillar Five

Master impactful techniques to effectively manage emotions, maintain internal and external peace,  solidify emotional resilience and create safety between you. 

Energetic Polarity &  Relationship Roles

Dive into the powerful realm of Masculine & Feminine energies to create and sustain attraction, come into relational harmony and thrive as our innate selves in partnership.

Pillar Six

Love Buckets & Personal Needs

Pillar Seven

Improve your ability to give and receive, and identify each other's emotional and physical needs, wants, and desires to boost intimacy, ensure mutual happiness and create lasting satisfaction

Commitments & Zero Negativity Pledge

Establish clear commitments and agreements to instil trust, ensure accountability, and create a stable foundation to build upon.

Pillar Eight

Shared Mission & Relationship Vision

Develop a shared mission and vision to synchronise life goals, map out a clear direction, and collaboratively build a meaningful, purpose-driven future together.


Here’ Is What You Will             

  • Personalised Couples Coaching: Guiding you through The Aligned Love Program and establishing your Relationship North Star. Coached by Certified Relationship and Couples Coach, Elise Jay 

  • Eight Weekly Sessions: Tailored to meet your unique goals via Zoom. The 1st & 8th Session - 90 minutes / 2nd-7th Session - 60 minutes. 

  • External Support: Recieve support in between sessions through WhatsApp communication for further guidance and accountability.

  • Action Steps and Couples Exercises: Practical exercises to explore and implement new learnings for integration and lasting change.


Luke & Jess, VIC

“Through Aligned Love, we rediscovered our intimacy and connection. It has truly changed our relationship and enabled us to rebuild our foundation for a new and exciting direction.” 


Let Me Introduce Myself!!

I'm Elise, your coach and mentor supporting you through this incredibly Transformative journey, inside the Aligned Love program,

within your very own private Couples Coaching container.

Aligned Love

Having walked many paths of great heartbreak and deep internal turmoil, I know firsthand how a lack of relational tools, emotional education and an aligned vision can cause ongoing frustration and major ruptures in an intimate relationship.


After experiencing the shattering pain of divorce, I realised I needed a completely new approach to my love life. But like many, I was unsure where to start.


This led me on a journey of self-discovery and growth, diving into all things relational psychology, personal development, and conscious partnership.


Through world-class certified training and years of exploration with my devoted life partner, I have developed effective strategies and processes that have not only revolutionised my life and relationship but greatly impacted other growth-minded couples, just like you, to overcome relationship challenges and create deeply loving and fulfilling partnerships.  

Elise jay

If You Are Not Growing Together,You Are Growing Apart....

Finally, Receive The Support & Roadmap That Your Relationship Deserves To Evolve & Expand Into The Empowered Couple You're Here To Be!

Connect Deeply-69.jpg

With the right guidance, resources, commitment and action towards to a greater vision, I believe you can achieve a truly fulfilling and thriving relationship.


It’s my mission to help you create a meaningful connection by understanding and meeting each other’s needs, and desires, and bringing your shared goals to life.


I’ve witnessed the power of implementing the framework within Aligned Love and Relationship North Star into relationships, and you too can gain the benefits of clarity, confidence, connection and collaboration in your love lives.



Missing out on personal and shared goals leads to a lack of fulfillment and purpose, causing frustration and unhappiness

Emotional & Physical


Failing to achieve deep emotional and physical intimacy results in dissatisfaction and fracturing of the bond



Disagreements happen when there is no structure or relational tools in place. Unresolved issues accumulate, leading to resentment, exhaustion and apathy

Disempowered Relationship

Experiencing a lack

of clarity and collaboration results in a stagnant and directionless partnership



A lack of shared vision and vales creates relationship disconnection which often leads to a relationship breakdown, then separation or divorce

If We DONT  Explore

& Implement These Principals 
We Will CONTINUE To Experience ....



Feel more understood & loved emotionally & physically, increasing happiness & connection in the partnership



Improving communication skills & mutual support, enabling partners to handle challenges whilst demonstrating

love and respect to each other



Establishing a foundation of love, kindness, respect & generosity, instilling a beautiful balance of giving & recieving, creating a nurturing relationship



Greater relational satisfaction when

feeling seen, valued & appreciated,

contributing to a more fulfilling and successful partnership into the future




Collaborating on shared values & goals, desire for continued grow & evolution, creating an healthy relational environment & bringing your dreams to life

Yet, When We Know
& LIVE By These Principles
WeWILL  Experience....

This Is Right For You If You Are....

​Wanting to understand each other on a deeper level and meet each other's needs


Ready and committed to improving your relationship and creating lasting change


Looking for practical tools and strategies to regain and strengthen your connection


Desiring greater intimacy in your relationship


Excited to build a life of meaning and purpose together


So, Are You READY To
TRANSFORM Your Relationship & UPLEVEL Your?            

Love Life

Jump Into Your Very Own Private Couples Coaching Sessions Today.




Payment Plans Available Upon Request

Coaching Package Vs Traditional Therapy

Aligned Love Program
  1. Goal-Oriented and Results-Driven: Our program is designed to deliver transformative results within eight weeks, focused on achieving specific relationship goals and measurable outcomes.
  2. Cost-Effective with Greater ROI: Compared to traditional therapy, our coaching container is more affordable and provides faster results, offering a better return on investment for your time, energy and money.
  3. Personalised Coaching with External Support: You receive individualised coaching tailored to your unique relationship needs, along with continuous support throughout the sessions to ensure motivation and address any challenges that may arise.
  4. Priority Session Times: Enjoy the convenience of consecutive back-to-back sessions, ensuring you maintain momentum and continue your progress.
  5. Couples-Centric Approach: Our coaching focuses on providing you with the skills and tools that you implement together and not become reliant on the expert to provide you with the "answers"  or solve your relationship problems. Our approach is grounded and tactical for long-lasting results.
  6. Holistic and Positive Approach: Our program emphasises building on your strengths, creating positive interactions, and ensuring an empowering and forward-facing vision for your relationship.
Individual Therapy Sessions
  1. Time-Consuming: Traditional therapy often requires a long-term commitment, with sessions extending over several months or even years to achieve significant progress.
  2. Diagnosis-Focused: Therapy can sometimes place a heavy emphasis on diagnosing and treating psychological issues, which might not be necessary for couples seeking to improve and empower their relationship.
  3. Higher Overall Cost: With typical individual sessions starting at a high rate, the cumulative cost of therapy can become quite costly, especially over an extended period.
  4. Variable Availability: Finding a therapist with availability that fits your schedule can be challenging, then waiting weeks in between each session impacts the flow and momentum of a couple's progress. 
  5. Limited Practical Tools: Traditional therapy often offer fewer tools and strategies, focusing more on discussion and analysis rather than actionable steps.

  6. Focus on Past Issues: Therapy tends to focus on exploring and resolving past issues, which can sometimes slow down progress in addressing current relationship challenges, causing further frustration and arguments.


  • What is couples coaching and how can it benefit us?
    Couples coaching is a process where one of our professional and certified coaches work with you as a couple to help improve your intimate relationship. We help you identify patterns of behaviour that may be hindering your connection and provide you with tools and techniques to move through conflict and create a stronger and more satisfying partnership.
  • What should I expect from a couples coaching session?
    Our experienced coaches will work with you to identify your relationship goals and areas for growth. Together, we will explore any roadblocks and challenges you are both facing, and develop a personalised action plan to help you move towards your desired outcome. You will be asked reflective questions, given specific exercises or techniques to practice, and encouraged to be accountable for implementing new behaviours or approaches. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve lasting change and growth in your relationship and to provide you with the tools and skills necessary for continued success beyond the coaching sessions.
  • How long does relationship coaching take?
    Each coaching session is 60 minutes long and sessions are set up either weekly or bi-weekly. We go deep straight away with a focus on hitting your desired goals within the 8 sessions. You do have the option to extend coaching if you feel called to continue the growth and expansion once the initial program finishes.
  • Do you offer one-off sessions?
    To gain the maximum impact, we offer the 8-week program to start with to really dive deep and make big shifts. After that program, you can continue coaching if you feel called to; we offer extended packages or one-off sessions, depending on your preference and desired outcome.
  • Can I get individual coaching if my partner and I are already in couples coaching?
    Our coaching is designed to serve the couple to ensure both people grow and explore together in our safe and intimate container. When we discover and learn aspects of ourselves alongside our partner it creates a deeper connection and also ensures extra support and compassion on this journey of self-discovery and partnership. If you are personally desiring more support outside of your couples coaching sessions, we are happy to discuss this with you.
  • What is the investment?
    Our Personalised 8 Week Couples Coaching Program is $960 AUD per couple Payment options are available
  • How can we start working with you?
    Feel free to reach out to us via the Let's Connect page or book your obligation-free discovery call to see if Couples Coaching is right for you. You can find the link for this on the Couples Coaching page.




Need Specific Support


Access Private Couples Coaching around a specific challenge or goal you have.


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